Monday, October 13, 2014

The Wacky Kangaroo

Today as mommy was driving me to school, I asked her what her favorite animal was. She said her favorite animal was the kangaroo. So, I'm going to write about the kangaroo today. First, I want to find out where kangaroos live. Now to Google. This site showed me they live not only in Australia, which I already knew, but Tasmania, whereever that is. Then, I wanted to know how they got those funny pockets, which I now know are actually called pouches. We could find that, but my dad did find out where the word kangaroo comes from:

The word "kangaroo" comes from an aboriginal group’s word for the Gray Kangaroo, "gangurru." The word was first recorded as "Kangooroo or Kanguru" in 1770 by British explorer James Cook.

And now for my favorite part: the video! Let's see what we can find on YouTube. 

Sunday, October 12, 2014

Another favorite animal of mine is the horse. I like horses because they are fast too like the cheetah. Well,  not really fast as the cheetah, but fast. I would like to ride a horse again someday. I rode a horse two times when our class took a trip to a farm. It was fun, but boy was it bumpy! I was going up and down on the horse like when I travel in an airplane and it goes through turbulence. The horse didn't run, but I still had fun.  Well, that's enough writing; it's time for a video!

Hi, I'm Sophie. I'm six years old, and live in Prague. I really like animals, and I want to share my favorite animals with you.

My favorite animal is the cheetah. Why? Because it is the fastest animal in the world. Here is a video of a cheetah. Check it out!

Did you like the video? I sure did. I liked the music too. It was really cool watching him run really fast at the end.